Ethermore Dev Updates
Hey there adventurers! To help keep you all updated on what we’re working on behind the scenes we’ll be giving you weekly bite-sized updates in blog format.
While we may not shout from the hills about it, our devs are always hard at work. Here’s what they’ve been doing and what we’ve shipped recently!
June 14, 2022
Airdop: Our team is making the final preparations for an upcoming airdrop. Hear more about this so on!
Bug Fixes: We found an issue with our character backgrounds displaying during quests. We’re making some minor bug fixes to the free character backgrounds for quest compatibility
Art & Design:
We are working on 3d mini sprites which are now 50% modeled.
At the same time, we are working on 2d metaverse sprites which are now 70% animated.
May 31, 2022
Status effects: Status effects were live a while ago, but there are still a few bugs to work out. The devs have found an issue regarding status effects not saving after quests and have worked it out.
Items/Inventory: What’s an RPG without items? We’ve been long wanting to integrate items into the game and to do so, players will need an inventory to hold them. The inventory feature has already been shipped.
Item drops: Of course, with the inventory, we’ve been working on a smooth infrastructure to drop items to players when they earn them in quests.
Stats: In addition to the alignment metadata gained after each quest, we want to include stats found in typical RPG games, such as strength, intelligence, charisma, and more. In line with our role playing experience, these stats can be chosen by the player.
Backstory: Along with stats, we also want the player to choose their hero’s name and write their own backstory. This can all be done from the same interface.
Both stats and backstory features have already been shipped. Simply select your main and click “set stats” to begin!
IMPORTANT NOTE! This is a one-time thing! make sure you spell check, and abide by content guidelines as in the discord.
We will approve hero name changes on the backend in batches, likely weekly at a naming ceremony.
New character page: We’ve also updated the design of the character page that lists all the heroes you own.
Off-chain character creation: For the players that aren’t too sure about Ethermore and want to give our game a try without buying an NFT hero, we wanted to provide an option for them to try to be as inclusive as possible.
We’re working on off-chain character creation to let new players try our quests and platform before investing in an NFT hero. This feature has already shipped!
Simply go to your character vault and select “create character” to try it out.
Ethermore API: Utilization and improvement of the Ethermore API to seamlessly integrate with non-web3 native spaces.
This allows anyone to build gasless on top of the Ethermore universe and core assets.
That’s All For Now!
We’ll be updating this page weekly, so please bookmark this to keep up to date with all the latest Ethermore dev news.
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